Animated Short
This project was created with Top Gun enthusiasts in mind. It was composed with Adobe Photoshop.
The animated short video contains the following Photoshop techniques:
Color Lookup, Brightness/Contrast, and Vibrance and Color Balance adjustment layers were added to achieve the night effect, match the look of all the elements, and enhance the colors.
The Kawasaki motorcycle was isolated and placed next to Maverick. A contrail was placed behind each of the three fighter jets.
Animation effects were added to the jets, the Top Gun: Maverick logo, the Color Lookup adjustment layer, and the texts to make them appear and disappear smoothly.
Keyframes in the Photoshop Timeline were used to animate all the elements used for this project.
Drop Shadow effects were added to the text elements and a Bevel & Emboss effect to the Top Gun: Maverick logo along with a Style animation.
"Mighty Wings" by Cheap Trick, the soundtrack from the original movie, was included to add a touch of nostalgia.